October 22, 2008

How I suffer for my art...

I am adding new work to TholeImagery.etsy.com. We went up north the other weekend. Whenever we are up there, I like to take pictures of all the small elements of nature. The fall colors were so gorgeous, but unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate, so we weren't able to go out as much as we would have liked. Saturday, we were able to take a long hike through Chippewa National Forest, which was fantastic. Sunday, however, I woke up to find a deer tick feasting on my belly. I didn't appreciate that very much. I've been to the doctor about it once already, because the bite site had a small ring, and irritation. They said it is unlikely I contracted lymes disease, because I found the tick within 24 hours, but they wouldn't be able to tell yet, so I should just wait and see if I develop more symptoms. Well, I hope you all like the photos I got, to make it all worth it ;)

Also, I've been spending some time online, beefing up my Photoshop skills. What I've really learned this week, is how to utilize adjustment layers and layer masks. These help me do the things I've already been doing, but in a way that is easier to affect just a portion of the image as well as remaining adjustable and reversable at any time. I've been having fun playing with them. Here are a few of the images. If you are interested in seeing more, or purchasing any, just visit TholeImagery.etsy.com.

1 Comment:

Lucky Girl said...

The photos are beautiful! Hope the bite is nothing more than a bite.

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