July 13, 2008

New Work

I've been working on some new paintings. My current studio is my garage, which works well for me, because I don't have to leave home. I don't think it will work so well come winter though.

When I was very inspired to do some more oil work, and beef up my portrait portfolio, I bought several canvases. I have a few portraits of people close to me in the works.

I am also continuing to do landscapes from the American West (which I have several done in pastels already listed on Etsy).

So far, I am really excited about this piece (below). I love the big open sky, and the high contrast lanscape. At this point in a painting, when I really love something about it, I get nervous that I will ruin the thing that I love about it during the course of finishing it. Hopefully not this time though.
(Hopefully I will get better at incorporating my pictures in the posts. Sorry it's a little clunky this time)

1 Comment:

Chad said...

Ooo, I love these paintings. I know what you mean about liking something about your work and then not wanting to ruin that before you finish. My greatest art tends to happen by accident, so it can be rather nerve-wracking when I begin to over analyze the composition as I tend to do.

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