July 2, 2008

My Inaugural Post

I feel pressure to get this blog off on the right foot with my first post. However, I think it is better to get it done with and move on, so here is a little about me and my business venture so far:

I am an artist. I went to college for art, graduated 3 years ago, and I am just now attempting to take that passion and those skills and work them into something I can support myself by.

As a selling venue, I am starting off using Etsy.com. I started with one shop, nikashadesigns.etsy.com. I started listing some of my artwork there in March, but I felt it restricted me from listing other things I make that don't go along with the fine art as well, so I have taken a big jump now, and split my shop into three! I now also have sarahthole.etsy.com for my general fine art and custom portrait options, as well as tholeimagery.etsy.com - a shared shop with my husband and a friend which holds our fine art photography. The three of us already operate a photography company under the name of Thole Imagery here in Minneapolis, so it made sense to make a group shop on Etsy as an extension of the business we already have.

There, now I can go on posting in the moment without the "first post" pressure :)


Campbell Jane said...

Congratulations on your new blog! Looks great! Saw you on Etsy!

Nikasha said...

Thanks Janet!

Nikasha Designs - Templates para novo blogger 2007
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