July 31, 2008


We went up to a friends cabin in June, and I got a lot of great photographs. I have several listed now at TholeImagery.etsy.com. I did a lot of work in black and white - I love how it simplifies the image into an instantly classic look. Most of the photographs I took fell into two categories. The first was small plants. I took lots of images of wildflowers and ferns.

I also spent a long time, almost hypnotized by the variances in the surface of the water on the lake. I have many abstract reflection shots, as well as a series of shots of the water that I have digitally altered. I am still increasing the inventory in this shop, but if you haven't checked it out before, you should: TholeImagery.Etsy.com. (This Etsy shop is an extension of our Minneapolis portrait and event photography business, which you can find more information about at http://www.tholeimagery.com/.)

July 19, 2008


I am participating in a large Christmas in July sale, hoping to sell off some pieces so I don't have to move them all to my new shop. All my art is on sale 20% through the end of the month, and photography is on sale 33%- a deal like this doesn't come around too often. Come check out all the work!

July 13, 2008

New Work

I've been working on some new paintings. My current studio is my garage, which works well for me, because I don't have to leave home. I don't think it will work so well come winter though.

When I was very inspired to do some more oil work, and beef up my portrait portfolio, I bought several canvases. I have a few portraits of people close to me in the works.

I am also continuing to do landscapes from the American West (which I have several done in pastels already listed on Etsy).

So far, I am really excited about this piece (below). I love the big open sky, and the high contrast lanscape. At this point in a painting, when I really love something about it, I get nervous that I will ruin the thing that I love about it during the course of finishing it. Hopefully not this time though.
(Hopefully I will get better at incorporating my pictures in the posts. Sorry it's a little clunky this time)

July 2, 2008

My Inaugural Post

I feel pressure to get this blog off on the right foot with my first post. However, I think it is better to get it done with and move on, so here is a little about me and my business venture so far:

I am an artist. I went to college for art, graduated 3 years ago, and I am just now attempting to take that passion and those skills and work them into something I can support myself by.

As a selling venue, I am starting off using Etsy.com. I started with one shop, nikashadesigns.etsy.com. I started listing some of my artwork there in March, but I felt it restricted me from listing other things I make that don't go along with the fine art as well, so I have taken a big jump now, and split my shop into three! I now also have sarahthole.etsy.com for my general fine art and custom portrait options, as well as tholeimagery.etsy.com - a shared shop with my husband and a friend which holds our fine art photography. The three of us already operate a photography company under the name of Thole Imagery here in Minneapolis, so it made sense to make a group shop on Etsy as an extension of the business we already have.

There, now I can go on posting in the moment without the "first post" pressure :)

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